Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The First Half

The first half of my plan has worked.

Today, I went to the dentist.

I clutched my new paperwork of my "dental card" (when did the card end up to a page??) in my hand.

At the last minute, as I was packing up my stuff for the day, I told my co-workers I was a tad nervous...

I walked into the familiar dental office (I can still remember my first visit - even though I was two or three at the time...).  Same receptionist looked at me surprised and said "HELLO!  My goodness!  We haven't seen you in such a long time..."

I responded with, "Maybe we should try not to remember the date?"

Two second later she told me, "It was July 2009."


They did the works: x-rays, around the head scan (I am sure there is name to this contraption), cleaning, a good ol' polish, AND

a few fixings....

Yep I have a few cavities under cracked old fillings on the right side....

And the left.

He started with the right side - check and done.

I am almost done with my first thing on my list.  

By the way, I have been working on other things on my list and have accomplished a ton of things and have had some set backs (including an annoying cough that WILL NOT go away!).

But that is life, we have a few rough times that make our lives just a little difficult and make our souls stronger. 

I remind myself - to reach farther for my goals and imagine how I will feel after the hard work is done.