He started sleeping through the night at 6 and a half weeks. I can sing a song when he is crying and he can stop and smile at me. He hasn't gotten sick and if he has, he didn't show any signs. He gets fussy when he has teeth moving, but I have never had to give him anything for the pain other than a chew toy.
Yes we have had ups and downs, but usually he is a good sport about it or it is over two seconds later.
Yesterday, I dragging William back to the doctor. By this point his sleep was effected, he cries when some of his food touches his chin, he is warm at times (no fever, just warmer) and he was throwing tantrum after tantrum. He had enough!
The doctor took a look at it. Unfortunately I didn't leave the doctor's with a complete answer, but we are trying two separate things for my little guy - one on each side. One is for yeast and the other is for bacteria. I got home yesterday and washed/dried his face. I put one on each side and kept the area as dry as possible. I also decided to feed him some very mild food till this is cleared up.
At night I reapplied the creme/ointments and put my very sleepy boy to bed (only one nap - again). I started sanitizing everything and reorganizing the toys that are easy to clean for him to play with till this is over. Talk about a lot of work!!! I did this a two months ago, but I guess he has more toys now...
A few hours later he woke screaming! Very, very rare for him - last time he did this, his first front tooth had cut through and he ended up in our bed for the night. We fed him another bottle and got him calm enough to go back to sleep. He slept through the rest of night with a few whimpers here and there.
When he woke this morning I examined the two areas - no difference in appearance, but for the pain I can definitely tell he is feeling less of it - just can't figure out what side.
I expected to have one side obviously clearer than the other by the morning. The doctor told me that it will take a few days, but I am being SO very impatient! I can't stand seeing him so uncomfortable. Plus, there is a little spot I see about an inch a way from his right eye - ugh! It feels like it is never ending! I just need to relax and be patient, this will end soon.
At least he still has a smile on his face, dancing like crazy, exploring, and laughing till tears are running down his face. He is such a good sport and being so patient while I clean and treat his little face three times a day.
Oh baby! As I was reading this I got to thinking... I think Noodle had something like this when he was about his age, maybe a bit younger... the eye thing rang a bell. I don't think it was this bad but I do remember something. Give him some sugar for me!
ReplyDeleteI sure will!