Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lose flab - unchecked, rash gone - almost checked...

Backroom - unchecked.

Return back to work (part time - until full time position available) - check

Pack for trip - unchecked

Enjoy the Northwest fall weather - check, check and check

First 9 hour baby sitting experience - check

I definitely have been very busy and I have had a few emotional experiences along with the new events in my life.  

I feel like I keep saying, "when this is done" I will get restarted on the backroom, exercise, etc.  I am coming to the realization - there is always something else coming up.   Therefore - I need to quit making the excuse of exhaustion and/or too busy.

Making exercise, eating healthy and sleeping a full night of sleep, just needs to become a part of my daily life instead of scheduled.

By the way - William's rash is almost gone.  When he gets really upset it flares up, but his skin looks much better:

Also, I went out to the chicken house to pick up the daily eggs and I just about fell down when I saw this egg!!!
Maybe one of my Black Jersey Giants is a hen who knows how to crow???

1 comment:

  1. Holy egg... that's an egg!! um ps... you're not packed? Hello six days? :)
