Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just a few things have happened...

I have started a few different posts these many months and never posted them... 

Too Difficult?  No, okay maybe one in particular.  Not enough time? Yes. Tired? Yes. Had too much to say? Yes, Yes, Yes!

In the last few months; my husband lost his job, I worked harder, we had an awful sickness that continues to plague me, my husband got a new job (Yay!), I got my regular schedule back, summer visited us for 2 weeks - only!, I seriously thought about a promotion and decided not to go that route at this time, etc....  I could go on, but I wont.

Within just a number of months your life can change. 

But it is amazing when you know it is going to change and all you are doing is waiting...

   Waiting for 2 weeks to pass, so you can test your urine.

   Waiting 7 - 10 days to find out if there is something wrong with you or nothing at all.

   Waiting weeks to meet with a specialist when you know the time MUST go faster. 

   Waiting till that 12 week mark and then it feels like you can breath again.

   Waiting Etc...

I ignore the minute hand on the clock and live my life.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erin,
    So sorry for your struggles! It does seem that they pile on all at the same time, doesn't it. Hopefully you are finding some peace, health & joy now! Loads of hugs to you my friend! Your blog looks fantastic...can't wait to read more about how you are doing!
