9 months is a big step.
9 months ago, I touched William for the first time. I fed him. I held him. I touched his tiny toes and fingers. I half laughed, half cried "Its a boy!" after many hours of labor. He pawed at me like there was something I needed to do, but really he was touching me for the first time and knew it.
Little did I know that nine months ago I would start a wonderful adventure of a growing heart. I didn't realize that my heart could grow this big and continue growing everyday.
My story starts on November 3rd when I went to the midwife. She completed the exam and we started a plan to get him out - he was 9 days late at this moment we had 5 days to get him out before I needed to head to the hospital. She stripped my membranes and off I went. She told me that usually this doesn't cause labor to start, but my gut was telling me otherwise.
I headed home - planned on running errands and decided to go home and take a nap instead. I tried to take a nap and suddenly got up at about 3:30 pm with 1 minute contractions 2 to 3 minutes apart. Every contraction was hot on my back. Little did I know, but William was sunny side up and there was much, much more hot coals on my back to come...
I paged the midwives and called my husband. No response... I
texted my husband and paged the midwives again. No response... I called my
Doula and she answered, she headed to my place right away. Still no response from either my husband or the midwives.
Justas pulled up and I opened the back door as he opened the door to the truck I yelled "The baby is coming!!! The baby is coming!!! Why haven't you answered my calls or texts???" Boom had a contraction!
Well little did I know T-Mobile was down for anyone to receive calls for - um - 2 hours or so... So when Kathy arrived we called the midwifes from her phone - Verizon, that is why she got my call ;0) I finally talked to Kristin (the midwife) - what a relief that was for not only me, but her too!! She told me that all the midwives at Gentle Hands Midwifery were trying to get a hold of me -ugh!
Kristin told me it sounded like the beginning stages of labor and to continue with what I was doing and to call her when I was in active labor - um what?? Active labor? Um... Isn't that when you are less than 5 minutes apart with 1 minute or more contractions for more than 1 hour?? Yeah I had been doing that for 2 hours now... I guess I wasn't in active labor... So I did as she asked and Kathy, my
doula, got me and
Justas set up for labor.
Kathy told me what to look for when I have reached active labor - the only thing I remembered was wanting to vomit... Sure enough a few hours later I had this huge wave of nausea come over me and I told
Justas - "Active labor has begun, lets go to the Birth Center."
We called Kristin and she told us to meet her at the
Bellingham Birth Center at 9:30 pm. It was 9:00 so we had plenty of time, especially since my husband pack the car up like we were going on a huge trip to La Push, for 3 weeks.
So after each contraction we moved to the car - took about 10 minutes... Got in the car and off we were to bring home our little baby. We arrived at the Birth Center at the same time Kathy did (and another couple - more on that later...). She helped me up to the Center while
Justas unpacked out many, many items - little did I know he had packed every bag that was in the room I told him our overnight bag was - Funny.
We walked into the largest of the three rooms and she got me a ball to lay on for my next contraction. Like clockwork my contractions started. I felt warmth slide down my leg. I whispered after my contraction, "My water just broke." Kathy replied, "Well that means we are staying." I smiled at her (since the last thing I wanted to do was repack and head back to the Ranch, because it "wasn't time.").
Kristin took a look a the water and left the room with the towel. She came back in a few moments later. She got on her knees
directly in front of me and told me that William had pooped. Tears swelled up in my eyes, from the classes and everything I had read - poop meant an instant transfer to the hospital. My heart began to sink deep, deep down. She interrupted me before I could sink any lower and told me it was okay - "It is the first poop. It's okay" And she went on to explain all the details of when the baby poops and the differences between the first and the second.
Justas was video taping at this time, which I didn't know and I am so happy he was, since he caught this very emotional part of our 24 hours. I will never forget what she told me with a big laugh, "We know she has a bum that works."
BTW - everyone thought William was a girl... Except for me - even though I called William a her my heart told me otherwise every time the word "she" slipped off my lips.
Once the little drama of the poop was done, we continued on with the labor. Actually back labor.
The hot coals were tough!! We tried everything to get him turned from sunny side up. BTW: Midwifes have everything up their sleeves! Kristin stayed with me the entire time. It was hard. And there were times when I would tell Kathy that I couldn't do it. But every time she told me I could, so did Kristin and my wonderful husband.
There was a moment at about midnight when I heard a baby cry - ugh! The family who came in at the same time as me - had her little one... I looked up at Kristin who announced it and was very happy for the mother, but inside I was said to myself - Really?? I think Kristin saw my face and added that this was her 3rd child ;0) Oh...
I had the best team taking care of me, my husband who pressed on my back so hard and took my extremely tough grasp, my
doula - Kathy the most patient fabulous
doula - every, and Kristin, who was the there the entire time. I felt each part of their support at every moment.
I kept asking Kristin, "How much have I dilated??" She told me I was doing great and then a contraction would happen so I would forget she never answered me... She had me all over the room. There were times during the labor I felt him switch from sunny side up to the right way. It was a relief when he did, but only for a moment... Back to the hot coals on my back - ugh!!
The last thing she had me do was lunges - uh yeah - lunges... not any
ol' lunges , but lunges on the tub... She told me to do 10 contractions while I was doing the lunges... on each side and I did it!! At one point, after the second leg, I told her, "No more." And she said "Perfect - and you are done." She checked me and she looked up at me with the biggest smile, "You are 9 cm. You are doing it!" I think she was more shock than I was.
I did it, he had flipped and the rest followed suit!!! What an amazing process!!!
So she told me to get back in the tub. Off to the tub I went with a huge smile on my face. It was different. I felt the difference in the contractions since he had switched - no more back labor - Yippee! Thank goodness! Within a few contractions I felt him move
thru my cervix. I didn't think it was possible - I had heard and read about it, but I felt him entered the birth canal, it was one of the most unbelievable feelings and I am pretty sure I will never forget it. Suddenly another contraction started and I had this unavoidable desire to push. I looked at Kathy and said, "I feel like pushing. " And she said "Go." And I did. Pushing was 100 times better than the labor, which I think made the rest easy.
About 45 minutes later our little William was born. He entered this world with eyes open and looking for us.
Justas caught him and he brought him to me.
Justas tells me that he will never forget the face I made the first time I saw William. I don't remember it, but I can only imagine. The feeling of him in my arms for the first time will never every be forgotten.
9 months ago William enter this world with a light I never thought could be possible. He lights up a room with his smile. His laugh is contagious. He is an explorer. He wants to know where the water comes from
thru a faucet, what is behind a book and under a mat. He enjoys the presence of everyone in the room and has a smile for everyone - even a stranger. I can tell his heart is full of love and happiness. I am so lucky to have him in my life. I love every moment. I am excited for the future and all the memories.
Happy 9 month birthday William!