Friday, February 4, 2011

An Idea From the Past

A few days ago I woke up with a chink in my neck.  I flashed back to the day I had an awful experience with my neck cramping up like a charlie horse.  I stretched, drank water and babied it for the day.  The next morning I woke up the same, but my jaw was hurting too.  And the next same, and the next worse... So I broke down and called the chiropractor. 

Last night I was thinking, "What is wrong with me???"  I have been sick 4-5 to times since last November.  My neck is killing me.  My jaw has this dull pain.  I have headaches.  I feel just gross inside.  And then I realized something as I was making this mental check list in my head - My body is screaming at me!  It was telling me that I needed to take better care of myself - NOW!

As I was thinking about my realization, I just could not help but realize the excuses I kept coming up with - I didn't have time (more like it I wasn't making time).  In all reality, I haven't since I had my little boy.  

For me to start taking care of myself, I needed to change my behavior. 

Suddenly, I flashed back to huge life changing event in my life.

The event I am talking about was one that lots of people in this country deal with - debt.  I had the worst spending habits and I felt like I just could not keep my head above water!  I broke down one night and showed my husband (who at the time was my boyfriend) what kind of mess I was in.  It was a huge deal for me, but also for him.  I started paying it, but it wasn't going as planned and my behavior continued. 

One day, at the dinner table, I got the best advice of my life from my now mother in law: 

  • Live on one income and save or pay off debt with the second income 

Between the two of us we had quite a bit of debt - manageable, but annoying and frustrating for both us.  We went home that evening and devised a plan.  The cards were long gone, so no need to cut them up, but we totaled up everything we owed and made a very detailed plan and budget.  It was hard and trying at times, but very exciting!  When we paid off the first card we just about had a party.  Then the next and the next and finally it was all paid off - car, tractor, and credit cards all a zero balance.  We were amazed at the road we took and what we accomplished (and what we are still accomplishing)! 

So, when I think about the change I need to make in my behavior on taking care of myself I look at it in the same light I did a few years ago. 

I need to make a MAJOR change to my behavior.  

I have a nice long list of thing I need to do, so I think I will tackle them one step at a time.  We paid of each credit card/loan as we went, so I will need to do the same here. 

First, I need to get to the dentist.  So my first goal is to set an appointment with them to get my teeth clean and checked.  If I have any cavities, schedule an appoint right a way.  Plus, consistently care for my teeth - floss (once a day), brush (2xs a day), Listerine, etc. 

Second, go the chiropractor regularly.  It is amazing the pain I feel, I can see in my scan and my x-rays - my back is a mess and that needs to get fixed.  That will include stretches and strengthening daily.  Plus, massage weekly for one month (especially since my insurance will cover it - Yay!) and then every other week after that.

Third, take care of my lungs.  I have asthma.  And I really don't care for them like I should, which I will pay for when I get older.  So, I need to use my medications like I should and get my asthma back under control. 

Forth, drink 80 oz of water a day (10 - 8 oz a day).  And stop drinking things that will dehydrate me - coffee, beer, etc.  Maybe one glass of red wine - ever once in a while...

Fifth, exercise.  I am going to start out with 2-3 times a week, plus the one hike a week we do as a family.  My goal is to exercise at least 5 times a week, so I am going to start out slow and move up.

Sixth, find 30 minutes 3 times a week to meditate.  I want to master meditation.  

6 changes are good to start out with.   



  1. Ooh, Mama I needed to read this. I need to sit down and make a list and make some changes too. Self care is so hard, and harder than ever with a toddler. Way to go!

  2. I completely understand how you feel Erin! I seriously need to start taking care of myself; drinking less, exercising more, taking vitamins etc. I am going to sit down and make a list too...thanks for the inspiration! And I LOVE the meditation idea! Oh and the new pics of little William are ADORABLE!!! He's getting so big! xoxo
